General Tips:

  • Drink water. A lot of water. Ice cold water burns calories, because your body is heating it up. Warm water raises metabolism. Ice cubes work too.
  • Keep a food diary and write down when, where and why you're eating. After a while, you'll realize why and when you eat, and you can avoid those places and situations.
  • Prevent "Starvation Mode" Starvation mode makes your body absorb calories faster, making it easier to gain weight. To prevent this, change daily calorie intake. e.g- Monday - 200 calories, Tuesday - 100 calories. etc.
  • Start by eating less than 1000 calories a day, then go down from there. The next week, only eat 900, the next, 800, etc.
  • If you're going to eat, eat healthy. Obviously.
  • Brush your teeth a lot. This gives you an excuse not to eat. Food tastes bad with toothpaste
  • Fidget. Bounce your legs, tap your fingers, Shift your weight. Every calorie counts.
  • Don't eat after 6pm.
  • Sleep well. If you don't get enough sleep, your appetite will increase. Make a proper bed time and wake up time and stick with it.
  • Being cold burns calories, because your body is heating you up.
  • Sweating gets rid of water weight.
  • Good posture burns calories
  • Dark colors make you fuller.
  • Apply strict rules for eating. e.g - only fruit.
  • Buy clothes that are too small.
  • Set small goal weights (five pounds less) and large goal weights (100lbs) and set dates for when you want them to be completed
  • reward yourself when you reach a goal
  • Write down your intake somewhere
  • Buy vitamins.
  • Buy a food piggybank. Whenever you resisted the urge to buy food, put that money in the bank and save up for your next reward.
  • the 4 D's: Don't relapse, Distract yourself, Decide your goals and Distance yourself from food.

When You Feel Weak:

  • Look in the mirror. The sight of your body should disgust you enough that you won't want to eat anymore.
  • Pinch your fat. This should do the same as above.
  • Smell coffee. It reduces appetite.
  • Go somewhere where no food is allowed.
  • Clean something gross. Like the bathroom or the cat box. This should repel you from the thought of food.
  • Slowly count to 100. This is supposed to change your train of thought so you're not thinking about food anymore.
  • Distract yourself somehow. Play video games, do homework, or better yet, exercise. As for myself, I blog when I want to eat. Takes my mind off of it and I end up convincing myself not to eat. Watching T.V. isn't a good idea. All those commercials about food definitely won't help
  • Brush your teeth. Food + toothpaste tastes gross.
  • Find inspiration. Think about why you're doing this. Think about how fat you are. Think about how skinny that one girl in your class is. Look up pictures of Kate Moss on google images. Wouldn't you rather be like her than the fat pig you are now?
  • Look at other people eating. Usually it's pretty gross.
  • Ride out the hour. Tell yourself that you'll wait till the end of the hour to eat anything. This will give you time to think whether or not you really want those calories. You'll also feel accomplished because you proved to yourself that you could do it.

When You're eating: (Only when necessary)

  • Eat slowly. This gives your body time to know it's eating, and realize it's full.
  • Never eat alone, or in secret
  • Focus on what you're eating. What it tastes like, how it looks, etc. Hopefully, you'll realize something about it that will make you not want it anymore
  • Chew each bite for at least 10 seconds.
  • Drink a glass of water before you eat.
  • Eat something healthy
  • Crunchy foods. Like celery or carrots. NOT chips or something. Crunchy foods fill you up faster.
  • Lettuce. The nothing food
  • Eat negative calorie foods.  (see /safe-foods.html)
  • Listen to slow music while eating. It makes you eat less
  • Eat in front of the mirror. Better yet, naked. Hopefully this turns you off of food for a bit. Maybe it'll even make you throw up
  • Move around while you're eating
  • Only eat one of each food group. One protein, on starch and one veggie. It helps the body to digest better. This means no cheeseburgers because it has two proteins. (meat and cheese)

Excuses & Hiding It

  • Leave out dirty dishes and take food from fridge & throw it away. This will make your parents or whoever you live with think you're eating, when really, you're not.
  • "Eat on the run" You won't actually eat, but when you're going out, take some food with you, so whomever will think you'll eat it on the way. But you'll actually just throw it away.
  • When you have to eat in a group, (party, Christmas, etc.) eat slowly. People won't notice you're only on your first slice of pizza while they're on their third
  • If you think someone's getting suspicious, eat something small while they're around
  • You had a big breakfast. You're not hungry for lunch. Or dinner. Or dessert
  • Crest white strips before dinner. You have to keep them on for half an hour, twice a day. So if you're wearing them when mom's just about to call you for dinner, you can say you'll eat once you take it out
  • don’t complain about your weight in public, it looks suspicious